Im starting to worry to put my skills, or my future skills and the time I have used in vain… ofcourse, I can still use SOME of the skills in it! But i will not be able to use it all! because everyhing became easy… Im afraid if i use my whole time as a 13 year old boy to study code when I can already study with a more advanced technology, which basically is the studio… I may not be able to find a job in the future! And i dont want that to happen! NOTE, Im not promoting BOOTSTRAP STUDIO nor encouraging you not to use it… Im just asking if these things Im currently stufdying on right now are worth it and can still be used in the future!

Im a new Web Designer/ Developer, Whatever you call me, Remember I dont have much idea about your world… I know coding is the very efficient way to write a webpage, or a full website in some instances… But why would you spend hours, days or even weeks when you can just drag drop and edit to create your beautiful, automatically responsive site in just hours or less ?(Assuming youre creating a simple page)… Imagine, I create Navbar including responsiveness in pure CSS alone for half an hour! And I can just drag the word “NAV” into the workspace to create it in the studio?.